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Wicca for Couples: Making Magick Together by A J Drew

Stock Status : In Stock
Product Code: 041022

Wicca for Couples: Making Magick Together by A J Drew
Brand New Page Books

Wicca for Couples: Making Magick Together by A J Drew. Copyright 2002 A J Drew. Published by New Page Books a division of The Career Press Inc. Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA. ISBN 1 56414 620 0

224 page paperback book (133mm wide x 210mm). Chapter headings:

  1. The Foundation of our Fertility Religion: Love – It’s not just a good idea. It’s the Law!
  2. The Sterilisation of our Fertility Religion and the Witch War of 1971
  3. Coven vs Couple: Public and semi-public organisations
  4. Wiccan Leaders: Guru, clergy or couple
  5. How much is that Goddess in the window: Archetype or Stereotype?
  6. The Magickal Child: Wiccan rituals versus real life
  7. Handfasting and the Couples Book of Shadows

The following extracts are taken from the back cover:

“Where a circle is cast a home is built. Where athame is brought to a chalice a union is forged.”

Review by Dorothy Morrison author of Enchantments of the Heart and The Craft:

“Gutsy, informative and awe-inspiring. Wicca for couples is A. J. Drew at his best. This book isn’t just for couples though, it’s a must-read for every serious practitioner. I only wish that I had written it.”

The book has been used – the cover has suffered some minor scuffs and marks, the binding is secure and all internal content is clean and legible. Condition virtually as new.


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Number in stock: 1