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SHQ 1/76 WW2 German SS Panzer Grenadiers SS43A NCOs with MP40 SMG (Steel Helmet) x 3

Stock Status : Out of Stock
Product Code: 131023

SHQ 1/76 WW2 German SS Panzer Grenadiers SS43A NCOs with MP40 SMG (Steel Helmet) x 3
Sorry, this item is out of stock
Type Historical
Historical Period World War II
Scale 1/76, 20mm
Brand SHQ Miniatures

SHQ 20mm (1/76 scale) World War II German SS Panzer Grenadiers 1943-45 wearing camouflage smocks and ankleboots. White metal models manufactured by SHQ Miniatures, Basingstoke, UK. SHQ are now based in South Petherton, Somerset.

SS43A NCOs with MP40 Sub Machine Gun. Three different models. The figures wear a steel helmet, camouflage smock and ankle boots with a haversack on the right hip. The figure on the left of the picture is approximately 21mm tall.

Unpainted, supplied with the original packaging. Condition of the models as new. The picture of the painted models was taken from the SHQ website.

SHQ have not been consistent in the colour of their header cards. The picture shown is representative only. Models purchased may be supplied with a different colour and design of header card.


Postage and Packing


U K                1.75 GBP

Europe             Please contact us for shipping costs

Rest of the World  Please contact us for shipping costs


If you buy multiple items from our online shop you can choose the Purchase Order option at checkout. We will then send you a PayPal invoice including the combined P&P charge or, if you would prefer to pay by cheque, we will send you an ordinary invoice. Please note that goods will not be dispatched until we have received payment.


If you wish to pay at the time of purchase then you can pay by PayPal and we shall refund any excess P&P after we have posted the items.


Number in stock: 0