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Secret Camelot: The Lost Legends of King Arthur by John Matthews

Stock Status : In Stock
Product Code: 051022

Secret Camelot: The Lost Legends of King Arthur by John Matthews
Brand Blandford Press

Secret Camelot: The Lost Legends of King Arthur by John Matthews. First published in the UK 1997 by Blandford, a Cassell imprint. Copyright © 1997 John Matthews. ISBN 0 7137 2646 6. Printed and bound in Great Britain.

The following is extracted from the dustjacket.

“Previously known only to historical researchers and scholars these new versions of Arthurian legends by expert John Matthews are full of remarkable characters, twists and turn of plot and adventures. Accompanied by colour illustrations by Gary Andrews, this is a retelling of some of the least well known Arthurian tales.”

176 page clothbound book with gold lettering to the spine and intact dust jacket. Some colour illustrations.

Chapter headings:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Story of Caradoc
  3. The Story of Perceval
  4. The Knight with the Sword
  5. The Story of the Crop-Eared Dog
  6. Sir Cleges
  7. The Boy with the Mantle
  8. Gawain and the Carl of Carlisle
  9. The Lay of Tyolet
  10. The Rise of Gawain
  11. Gorlagros and Gawain
  12. Joufre
  13. The Story of Lanzalet
  14. Index

There is some handling damage to the back of the book which has marked the dust jacket and left a small indentation on the back cover, and there is slight UV fading to the spine of the dust jacket. Otherwise, virtually as new.


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U K                3.50 GBP

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Number in stock: 1